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Fundraiser - Legal Battle Heats Up! We need your help!

We need you to continue to help us with the next step in the fight to save the San Mateo Ice Rink. 


Please contribute to our legal defense fund:


SPI, the Bridgepointe Mall owner, has hired a new team of high-priced legal and PR experts to convince the City of San Mateo to allow them to tear down our rink.


Several issues have arisen that require us to step up our legal activity. We have retained one of the top land use attorneys in the area. She was the attorney who successfully helped a San Mateo neighborhood fight the City of San Mateo when it approved a 7-11 in a residential neighborhood.  


Please give $150 or more per family so that we can continue the legal fight to prevent the rink from being torn down. You can contribute through our tilt campaign or donate right here on the website (upper left corner)


Twenty years ago, the community’s resolve saved the rink. With your help we can do it again!


Thanks for your continued support!

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